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“I predicted that the pain would persist for a while, but neither of us would feed on it. We would both try to rise above it and get on with our lives, he faster than I.”

“I’d prefer to have a man doll himself up in lingerie every night than come home drunk.”

“I knew about the siren songs, abysses, bewitching spells, and strange monsters out there, but they sank out of sight in the fulfillment of my homecoming.”

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“After living in five countries, getting four college degrees, marrying three husbands, having two children, and crashing into a few catastrophes, I keep in mind two mottos, one is from chess “There’s always a way,” and the other is from a Buddhist prayer, “Don’t squander your life.” Put them together and move ahead.”

Ann Anderson Evans is made of what she has been: professor, troubadour, teacher of ESL, business owner, wanderer, Christian Scientist, Episcopalian, Unitarian-Universalist, student, linguist, accomplished cook, swimmer, legal secretary, farm hand, wife, wife again, wife again, twice a mother. Today, she’s a writer, a Buddhist, a gardener, a book reviewer, a pickleball player. Her adventures are mostly literary.

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From the Blog


The point of Communism in its idealistic, not its practiced, form is that each person puts their shoulder to the wheel according to their own strengths for the benefit of the whole of society. The reward is the harvest or the car that is produced, not an increase in income or status for the worker.Continue reading “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS THE NEW COMMUNISM”

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Naming Genders

“Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, or evil, can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind.“ – Henry Miller

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What I Know About Donald Trump

After telling my Vermont friend why I would never want a man like Trump to be president, he remained a supporter. We parted friends. Donald Trump is not worth losing a friend over.

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