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News & Book Reviews — Page 33

Changing Names

I am getting married, for the third time. I swore I’d never marry again, but I adore my fiancé and have no intention of ever living without him. In the previous two marriages, I changed my name for practical purposes when I married.  I was getting annoyed with families where the mother was Smith, theContinue reading “Changing Names”

Clinging to things

I love my back yard. I’ve lived here alone for almost four years now, and my mother lived here for 40 years before that. I work every day at my desk, which looks out over the tops of the rhododendrons outside my office window onto the grass, the mass of trees — I only knowContinue reading “Clinging to things”

What to do with lingerie?

“I’m forty years old, and I never knew what to do with this stuff,” said Stephie after trying on a teddy and a long slip that had been part of my mother’s trousseau. My mother was married in the early 1930’s, and her family was wealthy enough to provide her with the best of everything.Continue reading “What to do with lingerie?”

Personal time

Giving up personal time is, for me, the worst part of living with someone. Every movement is touched by concerns about him — what would he like, what does he need, what would he enjoy? Including thoughts of the other in everything you do is what love is all about. Speaking personally, finding myself withoutContinue reading “Personal time”

The Book Blog

KISS AND RUN: The Single, Picky, and Indecisive Girl’s Guide to Overcoming Her Fear of Commitment. By Elina Furman What a good book! She’s thought of everything, and mentioned everything (including sitting home alone with your Rabbit), zeroed in on all our excuses, uncovered our stupid assumptions, and given us ways to deal with ourContinue reading “The Book Blog”

Thou shalt not steal

A pair of stretchy black gloves with fake leopard skin fluff at the wrist lay on a seat on my way to the door as the train bucked a bit, screeched a bit, pulling into the last station on the line.  I was the only person in the car.  I picked up the lightweight, attractive,Continue reading “Thou shalt not steal”

Born a horse

I was born in the Year of the Horse.  A little wild.  Tameable only by a tough, experienced cowboy.  Curious, roaming.  I like the wind in my hair.  Horses are dumb, and I won’t claim that, but I’ll claim all the rest.  I’m a horse with a human brain. When I started dating again, IContinue reading “Born a horse”

My book blog

An intelligent, deep, experienced, and articulate author can take us outside of ourselves, and give us context.  More and more, it is only poets who can reach deep enough to pull me out of my self. Patrick Lane is a Canadian poet and writer.  What the Stones Remember: A Life Rediscovered is his exquisite accountContinue reading “My book blog”

Teddy Bears and Cossacks

“Every woman needs a teddy bear and a Cossack.”  A 70 year old old Danish woman friend quoted an even older Danish woman when I gave her the following riddle to solve. Both men are your age, mid-60’s. One man is always thinking of ways to please you.  He is generous, affectionate, remembers your birthday,Continue reading “Teddy Bears and Cossacks”