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News & Book Reviews — Page 15

Have some time over the holidays? Read a couple of classics


Christmas is just another day

In this dark season I dispense with Christmas and reflect in gratitude upon the invention of the light bulb.

MEMOIR WORKSHOP: What's a Memoir?

A common trap for memoirists is to replace what really happened with what they wish had happened, or what was the right thing to do.

Insomnia Overcome

A lot of my writing is done in my sleep – I wake up in the morning with the resolution of a challenge, a few choice words, a title to something, an idea for a new project, whatever.

BOOK REVIEW: City of Thieves, by David Benioff

How many risks would I be willing to take to find an egg for my family?

Women's liberation comes from the inside — eating alone

Women’s liberation comes from the inside, and some of the outdated thought patterns of my childhood have been slow to dissolve. This aversion to eating alone was one of the last to go.

Twenty things you can do about gun violence

Whatever your view of powers greater than you, there are others within your group who are fighting gun violence. Find them.

Franklin's Funeral

I thought to myself that the people of this church do as they say they do. There are no excuses on a Saturday afternoon. They were there for their brother and for you and really for all of us.

BOOK REVIEW: Sweetbitter, by Stephanie Danler

I, the happy, hopeful, hippy cannot connect to this disjointed, disaffected, nihilist. Her goals trickle only so faintly outside of herself.