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News & Book Reviews — Page 20

BOOK REVIEW: Suite Française, by Irène Némirovsky

This is a magnificent book, and I am not alone in thinking so. The New York Times Book Review calls it a “tour de force,” others compare it to Madame Bovary and War and Peace.

REVIEW: Peanut Butter and Naan

Magnuson skitters over the top of her Indian experience, barely able to breathe.

REVIEW: The Coconut Latitudes

If forgiveness can bloom for the Gardner family, then there is hope for us all.

Review: Anarchy and Old Dogs

Dr. Siri is the wise-cracking Laotian septuagenarian national coroner of Laos. That’s funny already, right?

Pelvic Organ Prolapse surgery: One patient's experience

200,000 American women per year who have surgery for pelvic organ prolapse

Lisa Romeo Writes

When I was facing some stubborn obstacles writing my book, Lisa Romeo coached me through them and made me a stronger, more skilled writer.  She teaches and coaches other writers as well, and writes delightful, touching essays herself.  When she invited me to write a guest post on her blog, Lisa Romeo Writes, which gives “Tips, advice, andContinue reading “Lisa Romeo Writes”

BOOK REVIEW; The Narrow Road to the Deep North

The point of this brilliant book is that life is, and there is simply nothing more to say. So, logically, I should just stop here, but I’m not yet mistress of the short form.

Traveling in Arizona: Prisons

Out in the middle of the desert – what was that? We drove closer and saw it was a prison. Wow. That’s a lot of prisoners. Building after long white building. This complex is run by the Corrections Corporation of America. It looks all spanky white and clean on the outside, like an outpost on Mars which contains its whole life inside its bubble.

Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sex After 50: How to Maintain – or Regain – a Spicy, Satisfying Sex Life

Joan Price states on page 145, “If we could all just enjoy what we enjoy without moralizing about what other people enjoy, what a wonderful world it would be.”