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News & Book Reviews — Page 21

Dating in Japan

Her bombshell announcement was that bosses often arrange dates for their employees!  

Where are the Men?

ne of the women in this discussion had just met a man after her nose started bleeding while she was in front of his house. He came out to help her and they struck up a conversation – he gave her a kiss on the cheek after the bleeding stopped.

Advice to the lovelorn

“You will find not what you want, but what you are.”

What happens after publication?

I feel more than ever that one must just do good work, follow the bread crumbs, and enjoy the journey.

The Secret of Life

Georgie floats like a cork on life. She says, “I don’t remember any of those things. I just get up every morning and say my prayers to thank God that I am here. I take one day at a time. I don’t worry.” That’s as deep as it gets.
Maybe Georgie knows the secret of life. If so, I am not going to survive to 102.

The indispensable writing group

Writing groups are not only desirable; they are indispensable.

REVIEW: Redeployment

Put together The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer, Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, Matterhorn, by Karl Marlantes, The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien, 365 Days by Karl Glasser, and Redeployment and you have all the reasons you will ever need to be a pacifist, or a reluctant warrior at the very least.


Gilbert knows that just recounting her adventures is not enough; she must put her personal experience into a context which will include the reader, and there she hits a home run.

Stay-at-home writers

It makes a person want to go inside and lock the door and just write.