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When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With

Starting to date at sixty, after two divorces, might prove humiliating or catastrophic. If I failed, which I would certainly do, over and over, I wanted to do it privately, but not necessarily alone. Unless I changed myself, the odds were that I would end up struggling through another unfulfilling relationship. I would have toContinue reading “When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With”

A Promise Is A Promise

I’ve been writing some short stories and essays, and one of them was published this week in The Raven’s Perch, a classy online literary journal.  Find it here These journals amaze me. It must be a great deal of work to review hundreds of submissions, and keep up the website and a mass of relatedContinue reading “A Promise Is A Promise”

Protective apps for college (and other) women

In yesterday’s post, I suggested that college women be provided with alarm systems which would easily and unobtrusively notify authorities or friends that she was in distress. My husband did some research and found that apps already exist which do this. I haven’t tried any of these, but they seem cleverly designed, and some are free of charge.