DEAR PARKLAND Dear Parkland…and all the others: There’s a peculiar notion afoot that only survivors and experts can write about important issues, but I take exception to that. I was not present in Parkland or in Sandy Hook and have never seen up close a child bleeding to death with a gaping wound from a paramilitary firearm,Continue reading “DEAR PARKLAND”
My 2016 Inaugural Day Celebration In the hospital, with help from an Iranian, Bosnian, Pole, Pakistani, Italian-American, German-American, and a woman from China. That’s my America.
Is This All You've Got? Now, Colbert, Noah, Bee, Maher, Collins, Dowd, and all the others, let’s see if you can be brilliant enough to take our minds off of the Trump theatrics. We are addicted and we need effective rehab.
We hold the trump card Donald Trump is easy to figure out – many of us have known, or heaven forbid, had to work with, a sly, uninformed, vengeful, and narcissistic bully with a bunch of college degrees. Our reaction to him is what we have to watch.
Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny Perhaps this is the moment when the Civil War has finally ended, and the South has won, led by a Yankee quisling.