Some advice from an older generation The protesters of my generation (we came of age in the 60s and early 70s) have two lessons for the powerful generation standing up for all of us these days: 1) by uniting around solid ideas, you can be effective, and 2) the forces against you are powerful, militant, and may overcome you. We marched,Continue reading “Some advice from an older generation”
Is Abortion a Women's Issue? If one-third of American women have had an abortion, then one-third of American men have had one, too, and it’s time they spoke up.
My 2016 Inaugural Day Celebration In the hospital, with help from an Iranian, Bosnian, Pole, Pakistani, Italian-American, German-American, and a woman from China. That’s my America.
We hold the trump card Donald Trump is easy to figure out – many of us have known, or heaven forbid, had to work with, a sly, uninformed, vengeful, and narcissistic bully with a bunch of college degrees. Our reaction to him is what we have to watch.
Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny Perhaps this is the moment when the Civil War has finally ended, and the South has won, led by a Yankee quisling.
The World's Suicide Pacts I ask myself what a person who wants to survive and thrive does in this suicidal world.