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The answer is simple:  the truth. Many people have a cynical relationship with online dating and discovering Little White Lies in your introduction is a bad start to a good relationship. Writers are told again and again, “show, don’t tell,” and that applies to public profiles as well as other kinds of writing. A photoContinue reading “WHAT MAKES A GREAT DATING PROFILE?”


In Beloved, Toni Morrison articulated my condition before I started to date again: …way past the Change of Life, desire in them had suddenly become enormous, greedy, more savage than when they were fifteen, and…it embarrassed them and made them sad; secretly they longed to die—to be quit of it… I didn’t “long to die,”Continue reading “TOO BUSY FOR DATING?”

When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With

Starting to date at sixty, after two divorces, might prove humiliating or catastrophic. If I failed, which I would certainly do, over and over, I wanted to do it privately, but not necessarily alone. Unless I changed myself, the odds were that I would end up struggling through another unfulfilling relationship. I would have toContinue reading “When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With”

Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sex After 50: How to Maintain – or Regain – a Spicy, Satisfying Sex Life

Joan Price states on page 145, “If we could all just enjoy what we enjoy without moralizing about what other people enjoy, what a wonderful world it would be.”