THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP My husband Terry takes good care of me. I got my first chance to appreciate how precious that was a year into our marriage when I was on crutches after breaking a bone in my foot. I could I relax. I didn’t have to get back on my feet until I was ready. I wasContinue reading “THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP”
Hi Dad I remember you, Dad. You had a hard life, full of disappointments, but you did your best by us. You’re the stuff of story, and I’m writing about you now.
Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sex After 50: How to Maintain – or Regain – a Spicy, Satisfying Sex Life Joan Price states on page 145, “If we could all just enjoy what we enjoy without moralizing about what other people enjoy, what a wonderful world it would be.”
Women have only just begun I wish I could be here 50 years from today, when no generation will remember the Old Days, when we will have transformed our societies to deal more wisely with the energy that was unleashed when we set our women free.
And now — some glamor!! Johnny Carson asked the beautiful Angie Dickinson how she managed to look so young. “Moisturizer, Johnny. Moisturizer.” That’s the secret.