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A Law That Won’t Be Obeyed Is a Bad Law

Laws don’t regulate society without the obedience of its members, and laws passed with full knowledge that they will be disobeyed undermine respect for the law.


Dear Parkland…and all the others: There’s a peculiar notion afoot that only survivors and experts can write about important issues, but I take exception to that. I was not present in Parkland or in Sandy Hook and have never seen up close a child bleeding to death with a gaping wound from a paramilitary firearm,Continue reading “DEAR PARKLAND”


My husband Terry takes good care of me. I got my first chance to appreciate how precious that was a year into our marriage when I was on crutches after breaking a bone in my foot. I could I relax. I didn’t have to get back on my feet until I was ready. I wasContinue reading “THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP”

Virginia Woolf: How Jane Austen worked

“Jane Austen wrote like that until the end of her days. ‘How she was able to effect all this,’ her nephew writes in his memoir, ‘is surprising, for she had no separate study to repair to, and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting room, subject to all kinds ofContinue reading “Virginia Woolf: How Jane Austen worked”

Lament of a Modern American Woman – please join the choir

Today, American men are sitting in the waiting room while the women give birth to a new nation.