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MAY-DECEMBER (lose the Cougar)

In 2003, the very beginning of online dating, I created my profile as a wild experiment. I posted an up-to-date photo and my true age, 60. Most of the men who contacted me spoke in tongues about what they wanted, but Ken, a 37-year-old policeman was clear. He wanted a “friend with benefits” I askedContinue reading “MAY-DECEMBER (lose the Cougar)”

How To Write A Family Memoir

Anyone interested in writing a family memoir would be well advised to follow Cherington’s progress in writing the book, as she allows the reader to do.


Staring at a screen for along time, the chest naturally relaxes inward, restricting your breathing. These breathing exercises will introduce a rush of oxygen which will reinvigorate you if you’re tired, and the single nostril breathing is remarkably calming.

Scenes from France

    Living in France was lovely, at least for ten days. I spoke French, ate and shopped French, and drove French. We ate foie gras, elaborate desserts, fried foods, butter, fragrant cheese; for breakfast we had croissants, and the occasional pastry. And we each lost two pounds. Terry says, “You know that book, WhyContinue reading “Scenes from France”

Virginia Woolf: How Jane Austen worked

“Jane Austen wrote like that until the end of her days. ‘How she was able to effect all this,’ her nephew writes in his memoir, ‘is surprising, for she had no separate study to repair to, and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting room, subject to all kinds ofContinue reading “Virginia Woolf: How Jane Austen worked”

Plagiarism — why I like it just a little bit

This is an unethical practice, but the business world is full of unethical practices. It is up to me to figure out a way to circumvent them.