Ah, Those Dancing Men! Guys, we’ve proven we can support ourselves and lift heavy things; can we get together again?
THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP My husband Terry takes good care of me. I got my first chance to appreciate how precious that was a year into our marriage when I was on crutches after breaking a bone in my foot. I could I relax. I didn’t have to get back on my feet until I was ready. I wasContinue reading “THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP”
HOW TO DECIDE WHO PAYS ON AN ONLINE DATE. When I was dating online, when every first date was a blind date, nothing confused the feminist in me more than the moment when the bill came. Was the man responsible for the bill by default? If a man considered a woman equally responsible for the bill, did that suggest he considered her his equalContinue reading “HOW TO DECIDE WHO PAYS ON AN ONLINE DATE.”
Virginia Woolf: Homage to those who went before Many unsung women are responsible for the benefits women enjoy today.
Virginia Woolf: Women could make money by writing Women progressed once they could make money by writing.
Lament of a Modern American Woman – please join the choir Today, American men are sitting in the waiting room while the women give birth to a new nation.
Virginia Woolf: "women minister to men" “Sir, a woman’s composing is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well, but you are surprised to find it done at all.’”
Virginia Woolf: to write a work of genius …to write a work of genius is almost always a feat of prodigious difficulty.