FAKE PERSON PARANOIA I welcome the good things that have resulted from modern technology, for example, the new connections made on Zoom and the speedy transactions that are now possible, but we can increase our dose of real life to give us solid rock to stand on.
TWO-MINUTE EXERCISES FOR SCREEN SLAVES: No. 2 The first exercise was back-and-forth, this one is up-and-down, good to refresh circulation in the legs and get the heart pumping. Based on a Dao Yin exercise.
Mastering social media Someone somewhere, an organizational genius, will simplify our quest for connection, and we will be so much happier.
Recording my book In the 1990s I commuted into New York City on the bus. Several times a week my seatmate was Roy Yokelson, an Emmy-winning sound engineer, owner of Antland Productions. We saw each other through some rough times. Roy calls me his “therapist,” and I feel the same about him. When I moved to the next townContinue reading “Recording my book”
Digital Slaves – The Discipline of Money I’m reading a book, Who Owns the Future?, by the “father of virtual reality,” Jeron Lanier. His starting point is stated in the “prelude.” “…digital networking ought to promote a two-way transaction, in which you benefit, concretely, with real money…. I want digital networking to cause more value from people to be on the books,Continue reading “Digital Slaves – The Discipline of Money”