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The humility of aging

For my husband’s 70th birthday I had dressed to please him, even wearing heels.  The waiters at NoMad had spoiled us silly, and now we were at the intermission of 700 Sundays, Billy Crystal’s one-man show on Broadway. The evening was going perfectly. At intermission I headed toward the ladies room on our balcony level.Continue reading “The humility of aging”

Thank you, Maggie Smith

The best thing about Downton Abbey is Maggie Smith. For me, it goes farther than simply appreciating a skillful, wily acting job. She has become my role model for getting old. Seeing Jane Fonda, all slick and slim, depresses me. Yes, I could do that with unlimited financial resources and unlimited appetite for slimness, whichContinue reading “Thank you, Maggie Smith”

Doing Yoga in California

My husband and I were meandering up scenic Route 1, soaking up the shoreline and coastal hills of California, when we saw a sign Dillon Beach and decided to drive there.  It was quite a long way, out of cell phone contact. The first thing we saw was a gaggle of rundown trailers with roomContinue reading “Doing Yoga in California”

Nothing's Free After Sixty

I was on the cover of a national magazine, eldr, in spring, 2008.  (This excellent magazine has since stopped publication.)  I am sitting back in the arms of an attractive man, and only a careful look reveals that I am wearing any clothes at all.  The website,, uses not only the cover photo, but photosContinue reading “Nothing's Free After Sixty”

What's a butt massage?

I’m a good swimmer. Not the fastest one, but my form is excellent. I waste little motion. My body stays on a steady forward trajectory, I stretch all my moving parts, and there is little splashing. One day a man who was toweling himself off at the side of the pool remarked, “Very graceful,” asContinue reading “What's a butt massage?”