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OK Cupid Is Entertaining and Saves You Time

OK Cupid wastes less of your precious time learning attributes and preferences that you might not get to for a long time on a connection you make on

Doing Yoga in California

My husband and I were meandering up scenic Route 1, soaking up the shoreline and coastal hills of California, when we saw a sign Dillon Beach and decided to drive there.  It was quite a long way, out of cell phone contact. The first thing we saw was a gaggle of rundown trailers with roomContinue reading “Doing Yoga in California”

Sex tomorrow morning

My profile has been on for I don’t know how long.  It’s free so what the hell.  Every year or so I update it.  Three weeks ago I talked on the phone with someone who had found me on yahoo.  He is a real estate developer and has a farm where he raises racehorsesContinue reading “Sex tomorrow morning”

What's a butt massage?

I’m a good swimmer. Not the fastest one, but my form is excellent. I waste little motion. My body stays on a steady forward trajectory, I stretch all my moving parts, and there is little splashing. One day a man who was toweling himself off at the side of the pool remarked, “Very graceful,” asContinue reading “What's a butt massage?”