OK Cupid Is Entertaining and Saves You Time OK Cupid wastes less of your precious time learning attributes and preferences that you might not get to for a long time on a connection you make on Match.com.
Internet Dating Then (2004) and Now (2024) The fundamental question remains—do you want to know the truth, or do you want to pretend that life is as you would like it to be?
Is Sixty Too Old to Climb a New Mountain? When I was 60 years old, seven of us decided to climb Blue Mountain in the Adirondacks. I’d done it before and wasn’t too enthusiastic, but here was a challenge. Could I still do it? Rock climbing isn’t my favorite activity, but what else would I do that day? Sit at home and read aContinue reading “Is Sixty Too Old to Climb a New Mountain?”
STAYING FIT OVER SIXTY Finding a routine that can be sustained indefinitely, or changed every week, was a creative challenge, but we’re old enough to do what we like and not give a damn, right?
IS SIXTY TOO OLD TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN? When I was sixty, seven of us decided to climb Blue Mountain in the Adirondacks. I’d done it before and wasn’t too enthusiastic—climbing mountains does not bring me joy— but here was a challenge. Could I still do it? What better to do on that particular day? Our group assembled at the trailhead: four adults,Continue reading “IS SIXTY TOO OLD TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN?”
Why Yoga? The body is a giant signal of well-being, and doing yoga gives it a way to send that signal loud and clear.
After 70, be like an athlete The question is not “Do I have arthritis,” because everybody has arthritis. The question is “Does your arthritis hurt?”
An ordinary human thinks about GMOs I do trust my senses of taste and smell, and my abilities to follow a logical trail from sterile seeds to trouble.