MAY-DECEMBER (lose the Cougar) In 2003, the very beginning of online dating, I created my profile as a wild experiment. I posted an up-to-date photo and my true age, 60. Most of the men who contacted me spoke in tongues about what they wanted, but Ken, a 37-year-old policeman was clear. He wanted a “friend with benefits” I askedContinue reading “MAY-DECEMBER (lose the Cougar)”
DEAR PARKLAND Dear Parkland…and all the others: There’s a peculiar notion afoot that only survivors and experts can write about important issues, but I take exception to that. I was not present in Parkland or in Sandy Hook and have never seen up close a child bleeding to death with a gaping wound from a paramilitary firearm,Continue reading “DEAR PARKLAND”
Hi Dad I remember you, Dad. You had a hard life, full of disappointments, but you did your best by us. You’re the stuff of story, and I’m writing about you now.
The writer and the laundry We all have to choose where to lay our sacrifices, and I have lain mine at the feet of my children. The greatest sacrifice was going to work every day, thus missing important events in their lives
Our Children Are Not Our Children This is a photograph of my grandchildren looking out on the Pacific Ocean. They have their backs to us, and that is appropriate. As Kahlil Gibran writes in his poem On Children: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. …….. You may house their bodiesContinue reading “Our Children Are Not Our Children”