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Love and The Plague

On Friday, I got a phone call from someone who said he was my son, though the voice was sepulchral, and barely audible.  He was sick.  “I’ll be up this afternoon,” I instantly said.  He and his wife are house parents at a sorority at Cornell.  Forty-six of the 49 sorority sisters were sick, fiveContinue reading “Love and The Plague”

Doing Nothing

I spent New Year’s Eve sitting cozily in bed reading a book, Saving Fish From Drowning, by Amy Tan. It was lovely. New Year’s Day I went to a Danish friend’s house to join her family for a Danish smorgasbord. That was lovely too. A year ago I would have been lonely, depressed. I feelContinue reading “Doing Nothing”

Every woman's dream man.

Women dream of men like Bill.  He is tall, thin, good looking, competent and capable (and thoroughly solvent).  He can dance.  Strength, courage, decisiveness, discretion, insight, generosity, tolerance, loyalty, optimism, appreciation and understanding of others, discipline, manliness, love of sex.  He has a slight New York accent, a degree from the Wharton School, was aContinue reading “Every woman's dream man.”

Sex tomorrow morning

My profile has been on for I don’t know how long.  It’s free so what the hell.  Every year or so I update it.  Three weeks ago I talked on the phone with someone who had found me on yahoo.  He is a real estate developer and has a farm where he raises racehorsesContinue reading “Sex tomorrow morning”