Twenty things you can do about gun violence Whatever your view of powers greater than you, there are others within your group who are fighting gun violence. Find them.
No More Grumbling!! I put my hand on Brad’s shoulder and said, “Just in case you thought that white people don’t notice this sort of thing, aren’t bothered by it, I want you to know I noticed.”
My 2016 Inaugural Day Celebration In the hospital, with help from an Iranian, Bosnian, Pole, Pakistani, Italian-American, German-American, and a woman from China. That’s my America.
We hold the trump card Donald Trump is easy to figure out – many of us have known, or heaven forbid, had to work with, a sly, uninformed, vengeful, and narcissistic bully with a bunch of college degrees. Our reaction to him is what we have to watch.
Weehawken Traffic Court I’m an old white lady. They’re not going to shoot me, probably. But black men have been pulled over and subsequently shot for a malfunctioning headlight, or, like Trayvon Martin, for nothing at all.
A Dagger to the Heart of Roe v. Wade The social network supporting the right to abortion was frayed from the beginning. The first sign of danger was when doctors caved to pressure from religionists to ban abortion in individual hospitals, thus forcing reproductive services into separate clinics vulnerable to protesters and gunmen.
My Four Rules for 2016 This afternoon I went to a restorative yoga session . Perhaps I was meant to be listening to my breath during the meditations, but instead I came out of it with four rules for the new year. Protect myself Do my job Seek moments in which to receive and to give kindness Seek new experiences In that order.
An ordinary human thinks about GMOs I do trust my senses of taste and smell, and my abilities to follow a logical trail from sterile seeds to trouble.
Redefining compassion we should rise above the adjectives “tolerant,” “polite,” and “courteous” to value the more nuanced and demanding virtue of compassion, and we must practice it with courage and consistency.