DEAR PARKLAND Dear Parkland…and all the others: There’s a peculiar notion afoot that only survivors and experts can write about important issues, but I take exception to that. I was not present in Parkland or in Sandy Hook and have never seen up close a child bleeding to death with a gaping wound from a paramilitary firearm,Continue reading “DEAR PARKLAND”
THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP My husband Terry takes good care of me. I got my first chance to appreciate how precious that was a year into our marriage when I was on crutches after breaking a bone in my foot. I could I relax. I didn’t have to get back on my feet until I was ready. I wasContinue reading “THE BENEFIT OF LIVING WITH A GROWN-UP”
When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With Starting to date at sixty, after two divorces, might prove humiliating or catastrophic. If I failed, which I would certainly do, over and over, I wanted to do it privately, but not necessarily alone. Unless I changed myself, the odds were that I would end up struggling through another unfulfilling relationship. I would have toContinue reading “When You Start to Date Again, Find Someone to Talk About It With”
Lament of a Modern American Woman – please join the choir Today, American men are sitting in the waiting room while the women give birth to a new nation.
Franklin's Funeral I thought to myself that the people of this church do as they say they do. There are no excuses on a Saturday afternoon. They were there for their brother and for you and really for all of us.
Redefining compassion we should rise above the adjectives “tolerant,” “polite,” and “courteous” to value the more nuanced and demanding virtue of compassion, and we must practice it with courage and consistency.
How I Feel About the End of the World I heard last night on Bill Maher’s show that Jacques Cousteau predicted that the oceans would be dead in the lifetimes of some people then alive. A UN committee tells us that we’d better get moving or we won’t survive. I’m beginning to take global warming seriously. The pathos of it grips me from timeContinue reading “How I Feel About the End of the World”
Recording my book In the 1990s I commuted into New York City on the bus. Several times a week my seatmate was Roy Yokelson, an Emmy-winning sound engineer, owner of Antland Productions. We saw each other through some rough times. Roy calls me his “therapist,” and I feel the same about him. When I moved to the next townContinue reading “Recording my book”