DEAR PARKLAND Dear Parkland…and all the others: There’s a peculiar notion afoot that only survivors and experts can write about important issues, but I take exception to that. I was not present in Parkland or in Sandy Hook and have never seen up close a child bleeding to death with a gaping wound from a paramilitary firearm,Continue reading “DEAR PARKLAND”
Some advice from an older generation The protesters of my generation (we came of age in the 60s and early 70s) have two lessons for the powerful generation standing up for all of us these days: 1) by uniting around solid ideas, you can be effective, and 2) the forces against you are powerful, militant, and may overcome you. We marched,Continue reading “Some advice from an older generation”
Lament of a Modern American Woman – please join the choir Today, American men are sitting in the waiting room while the women give birth to a new nation.
No More Grumbling!! I put my hand on Brad’s shoulder and said, “Just in case you thought that white people don’t notice this sort of thing, aren’t bothered by it, I want you to know I noticed.”
We hold the trump card Donald Trump is easy to figure out – many of us have known, or heaven forbid, had to work with, a sly, uninformed, vengeful, and narcissistic bully with a bunch of college degrees. Our reaction to him is what we have to watch.
The World's Suicide Pacts I ask myself what a person who wants to survive and thrive does in this suicidal world.
An ordinary human thinks about GMOs I do trust my senses of taste and smell, and my abilities to follow a logical trail from sterile seeds to trouble.
Writing and activism Some people march in demonstrations, or knock on their neighbors’ doors, or serve in soup kitchens; I write. I believe I should use some part of my abilities for the good of a larger community, and why not use my best developed talent? My blog Linguistics in the Writing Classroom is read by about 450 peopleContinue reading “Writing and activism”